Licence, Master professionnels en formation ouverte et a distance pour le management strategique de la qualite et la gestion des risques en sante en Russie, au Kazakhstan et en Azerbaidjan
The LMQS project allows for the professionalization of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in strategic management and risk management in healthcare within the framework of open and distance learning in three partner countries: Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Our project is related to the priority of public health savings and is aimed at creating new/updating university courses. Health care is a national and regional thematic priority for Azerbaijan, a thematic priority at the regional level for Russia and a thematic priority at the regional and national levels for Kazakhstan. These national priorities are taken into account very accurately. The project corresponds to the priorities of the ministries to update the curricula in accordance with the Bologna process. It is also part of the priorities of partner universities wishing to make their courses more professional to meet the new needs of medical organizations. Programs and policy strategies stimulate the development of the medical sector in these three countries, taking into account the safety of health and the quality of medical care.
The project is based on a strong interdepartmental partnership: the members of the consortium are academic and government institutions, as well as enterprises specializing in management and healthcare, with the experience and knowledge necessary to achieve the goals of the project.
Universities in 3 countries will increase the level of skills and abilities through the development of new innovative educational programs. The project will implement the policy of the Ministry of Health by training students and specialists capable of ensuring the quality of medical services. The aim of the project is to contribute to the development of health safety and quality management of health services, as well as the implementation of policies and strategic principles in Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan through the mobilization of personnel and training them in the practical application of necessary actions by offering higher education programs (academic programs) and vocational training programs capable of transferring the skills needed by medical structures / companies.
Project title: “Improving the integration of higher education and corporate sectors in accordance with the new social environment – ENINEDU”

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Visit of Top management of Kazakhstan partner Universities to the University of Western Attica, Athens, Greece.
From May 16 to May 20, 2022, within the framework of the LMQS project, the Top Management of the Kazakh-Russian Medical University and Kazakh Partner Universities visited the University of Western Attica, Athens, Greece. The delegation included representatives of the Kazakh-Russian Medical University, KazNU named after Al Farabi, KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Kokshetau University named after Sh.Valikhanov, chief physician of the GKP City Hospital No. 7, Almaty. The management team of Kazakhstan partner universities discussed the further implementation of the project with the project grantholder Prof. Dr. Panayotis Yannakopoulos. Also, during the visit, meetings were held with leading professors and practitioners of Athens, the Greek Parliament, the Nikos Athens City Hospital were visited. During the meeting with the leadership of the University of Western Attica, the Kazakh-Russian Medical University signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
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Project Link
Project Monitoring Report LMQS
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Программа LMQS КазНУ