Our university has repute for its hospitality and cooperation with foreign universities on programs of academic mobility, practical training, internships of teaching staff and students. The exchange of experience and the strengthening of international relations are important vectors of our university development.
The VII International Festival of Arts, a musical charity project “Astana Keshteri” (Astana Nights) was held in Nur-Sultan city during May 26 to June 4, 2019. Сlassical, folk and pop music performers from around the world participated in this musical festival. The Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda – Sir Rodney Errey Lawrence Williams and the First Lady have been presented in this event.
On June 7, 2019, after the end of the VII International Art Festival, the Governor General, His Excellency Sir Rodney Williams of Antigua and Barbuda has honored Kazakhstan-Russian Medical University with his visit accompanied by the First Lady Sandra Williams, as well as Julien Hansen, the Honorary Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda in the Russian Federation with her spouse Rolland Hansen.
Sir Rodney Williams, a practicing surgeon, has been tightly involved in political activities since 1984, and during many years he has been holding positions of Minister of Education, Sport and Youth Policy, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment. Being an active politician, he continued to provide charitable medical assistance to the population of his country. The Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda is a member of the Royal Society of Medicine; in addition to it he is an active representative of the Association of Sports Medicine, the Civil Aviation Medical Association (CAMA), and the American Aerospace Association. Since 2006 he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of CAMA, and since 2010 he is a member of the Executive Board of the organization. In 2007 the United States Civil Aviation Medical Association awarded Sir Rodney Williams the highest recognition – Honorary membership in the Association.
The First Lady Sandra Williams, also devoted much time to her education, gained it in many countries, such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Antigua, Guyana. A while ago she occupied a number of leading positions in the field of management. Especially it is necessary to note her charitable activities, namely in 2014 she organized the charity foundation “Halo Foundation Inc.”. The purpose of the foundation is to raise funds to help low-income and needy people in the
country, with the assistance of various organizations sponsored by the Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda and the First Lady.
Over the last years, the Foundation has applied several philanthropic projects, including the Care project, “Sunny House” for girls, “Pastoral” house and the National Maritime Academy.
Rector of Kazakh-Russian Medical University, Professor Nurlan T. Jainakbayev, MD and the entire faculty, as well as the administrative staff personally welcomed the foreign notables. During the meeting there were presented some short-run films about the pride of the university – Mobile Medical Systems (further – MMS). MMS is a Rector’s research project, which is unique for the development of mobile medicine not only in Kazakhstan, but in the whole world. The mission of University is the organization of the socially oriented University carrying out the training of highly qualified healthcare professionals, and to help to improve the quality of the healthcare services and public health. Therefore, we consider it our responsibility to conduct charity projects among which we can point out the hardware and software system “Health Express”, which also was presented to our dear guests.
Sir Rodney Williams, for his part, expressed his interest in our University social projects, and also mentioned about willingness for cooperation between our countries. Namely, the exchange of teaching staff and students in the framework of academic mobility programs, in addition to this, His Excellency made a presentation on “Sports medicine”, shared his experience in providing high medical care to athletes of Antigua and Barbuda.
By the decision of Kazakh-Russian Medical University Academic Council Sir Rodney Williams was awarded the honorary title of Professor, Rector, Professor Nurlan T. Jainakbaev, MD presented the memorable gifts to all honorary guests.