The main aims of the activities of Center for Career:
- University graduates supporting in further employment.
- Providing assistance to University graduates in adjusting to the job market.
- Offering University students advice on employment issues, assistance in searching for proper vacant job.
- Realization of organizational events (alumni fairs, presentations of relevant organizations, roundtable discussions involving employers, workshops and field trips and so on).
- Actualization of quarterly monitoring of University graduates employment.
- Establishment of business relationships with employers, survey of needs of job market in specialist trained at the University.
- Establishment of long-term partnership with medical organizations in the field of University graduates employment.
Постановление Правительства РК №390 30.03.2012 года на рус.яз
Потребность в медицинских кадрах по Республике Казахстан
Самрук Казына обучение Карьерный интенсив 2021
КГП Центральная больница г.Темиртау
Потребность в медицинских кадрах по Павлодарской области
Contacts and address:
51/53, Abylai khan St. 7th floor, office 703
050004, Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel.: +7 727 250 83 76