The Department of the History of Kazakhstan and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines was established in 1992. Since 2017, the head of the department is the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Shulanbekova G.K.
- Openness of structure, plans, strategies;
- Technological effectiveness of methods, tools, methods and procedures for the implementation of the educational and scientific process;
- Corporateness – the creation of a unified team spirit that will share the goals and objectives of the department, with the aim of strengthening the image and increasing the efficiency of the department;
- Integration – attracting well-known scientists and public figures to the department.
- Ensuring creative scientific growth of the department staff as part of the career of a university teacher.
- The main goal of the department is to ensure the modern quality of education and upbringing of future specialists on the basis of maintaining their fundamental nature and meeting current and future needs of the individual, society and the state.
- The main tasks of the department are high-quality teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines at all faculties of KRMU, taking into account the specifics of areas and profiles of student training
- increasing the role of social and humanitarian disciplines in the formation of students’ active citizenship, their education in the spirit of patriotism, national and cultural tolerance.
- Further training as updating theoretical and practical knowledge, improving the skills of teachers in connection with constantly increasing requirements for their qualifications:
- Participation of teaching staff in inter-university seminars on innovative technologies for teaching the humanities
- Participation in International and Republican scientific and practical conferences on pressing problems and innovative methods in education
- Regularly conducting open lectures and seminars for teachers with their subsequent discussion at the department.
The staff of teachers of the department for the 2018-2019 academic year is 23 people.
Characteristics of the faculty
- 1 Total number of full-time teaching staff number _23 _ (__ 25_ bids)
- 2 Doctors of sciences, professor count,% __1___ (___ 7_%)
- 3 Candidates of science, associate professors number,% __8__ (__40 __%)
- 4 C. teachers without academic degree number,% ___10_ (__43 __%)
- 5 Masters, teachers number,% ____4_ (_17 __%)
- 6 faculty with basic images. number,% ____23_ (_100%)
The staff of the department is interdisciplinary. Doctors and candidates of historical, philosophical, political sciences, masters of history, psychology, philosophy and international law work at the department. Among the teaching staff of the department there are graduates of historical and law faculties, philosophy faculties of the leading universities of Kazakhstan.
The main disciplines taught by teachers of the department at the moment in the framework of undergraduate studies can be divided into 2 main areas:
- The modern history of Kazakhstan;
- Philosophy;
- Values of “Mangilik El”;
- Medical law;
- Fundamentals of law and anti-corruption culture in healthcare;
- Medical legislation;
- Political science. Sociology. Cultural studies;
- Psychology;
- Fundamentals of Psychology;
- Basics of psychological counseling;
- Psychological assistance to victims of external threats;
- Patient oriented learning.
From the academic year 2018-2019, the teachers of the department have been teaching the disciplines “History and Philosophy of Science”, “Fundamentals of Psychology, Medical Psychology” for first-year undergraduates in Russian and Kazakh languages. Leading teachers of the department conduct classes for students in the master’s program of the University in the following disciplines: -History and philosophy of science; – “Fundamentals of Psychology, Medical Psychology.”
Teaching is conducted in 2 languages: Russian and Kazakh.
- Individual scientific activities of teachers:
- Employees of the department plan to publish articles annually in leading Kazakh and foreign publications (Higher Attestation Commission, Scopus, Web of Scienсe);
- Participation of teaching staff in scientific and practical conferences and seminars held in universities of Kazakhstan, as well as near and far abroad.
- Organization of research work of students:
- Management of teaching staff circle work with students;
- Organization of student scientific and practical conferences at the University of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines;
- Preparing students for participation in events that reveal creativity, vocational training (contests, olympiads, etc.);
- Conducting “round tables”, debates on pressing issues: issues of religious extremism and terrorism; anti-corruption issues, etc.
Improving the skills of teachers in connection with constantly increasing requirements for their qualifications requires the study of new teaching methods and the achievements of scientific research by leading scientists of the Republic and abroad. To fulfill the assigned tasks, the teachers of the department March 12-17, 2018 took courses “Teacher of medical organizations of education and science.” Organizer – KazNMU named after S.Z. Asfendiyarov “Faculty of postgraduate education”.
On October 08-21, 2018, teachers of the department passed a training seminar on the topic “Oytu men turbieleu zhmysyn Uyymdastyr tehnologlary.”
In October 2018, teachers of the department were invited to pass an interview in English in order to determine the level of preparedness for further language learning.
The results of the research activities of the teachers of the department
Name of author / authors Title of publication Publication data
Shulanbekova GK Republican scientific-methodological journal “History of the Kazakhs” “Colonization of South Kazakhstan”. – No. 3 (160), 2018.
Kotosheva KK “The cult of the Kazakhs in the world of Kazakhs” Series philosophy. Series culturology. Series political science. No. 1 (63). Almaty: Kazakh University, 2018.
Kotosheva KK Republican scientific-methodical journal “Kazakh history” “Mental-dual personality”. – No. 3 (160), 2018.
Balgozina R.O. Republican Scientific and Methodological Magazine “The Concept of Shakarima about the correctness of the sex in the Kazakh language”. – No. 3 (160), 2018.
Abzhanov KS “National-English-speaking Kazakhs with jungle callers 1632-1758gg.” Proceedings of the practical and practical conference on the topic: “The Alash and the dual modernization of the Kazakh language: Got it. – Almaty: December 13, 2017
Nurtazayeva AB Republican Scientific and Methodological Magazine “Kazakh History” “Scientists who studied the native land”. – No. 3 (160), 2018.
Syrbayev EU Republican scientific-methodical magazine “Kazakh History” “The philosophy of Al-Farabi and the idea ofa perfect man.” – No. 3 (160), 2018.
Alpysbayeva K. “ Proper regulation of psychiatric disorders ” Current Actional Medicine 2018 KSMU
Suleimenov AM Republican Scientific and Methodological Magazine “The struggle of the Kazakh intelligentsia for education”. – No. 3 (160), 2018.
Mulkemanova AK Republican scientific-methodical journal “History of Kazakhstan” “Religion and modern society” – No. 3 (160), 2018.
Kundyzbay DK Researches of the word and the word “hero” in the republican scientific-methodical magazine “The Kazakh history”. – No. 3 (160), 2018.
Orazhan T.O. Republican scientific-methodical magazine “Kazakh History” “The value of teaching philosophy and conveying ideas through the image”. – No. 3 (160), 2018.
Orazhan T.O. “Poetry and freedom” Ph.D., prof. Altaev J.A. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Al-Farabi in Philosophy, Culture and Civilization of the World and Kazakhs,” dedicated to the 70th anniversary. – Almaty, 2018. – 456 p. – p. 196-200 The research work of students includes 1. Management of teaching staff with circle work with students; 2. Organization of student scientific and practical conferences at the University of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines; 3.Training students to participate in events that reveal creativity, vocational training (contests, competitions, etc.); 5. Conducting “round tables”, debates on pressing issues: issues of religious extremism and terrorism; anti-corruption issues, etc.
Student scientific circles are actively working at the department: “Consciousness”, “Themis”, “Murager”, “Logos”, “Sayasat”.
Through the efforts of the faculty of the department, student scientific conferences are held annually. On April 12, 2018, a student conference was held. The theme of the conference is “Rukhani zhagyru koғamdyk sanany modernization lau”
On April 26-27, 2018, the Kazakh National Agrarian University held the XXII Scientific and Practical Student Conference “Studenttergy Agrarlyym Kylymdy Damytuka қoskan үlesі -2018”. The conference was attended by 1st year students of the specialty “General Medicine” Suyunov Genghis Khan and Didorenko Vlad. (supervisor, senior lecturer, master Kundyzbay D.K.). As a result, Suyunov Genghis Khan was awarded the second place in the nomination “Best Report”.
1st year student of Tursynov University SB participated in a student consort held by the Almaty University of Energy and Communications on April 24, 2018, dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. As a result, in the nomination “Best Essay” she was awarded the second place. (Supervisor – Ph.D., Associate Professor Shulanbekova G.N.