You all know about the situation around the world regarding the pandemic and the spread of coronavirus infection. I urge you to treat with understanding and responsibility the issue raised by our state at the level of the whole Republic, to observe all the prescribed security measures in order to prevent a mass defeat of our citizens!
Currently, according to the WHO, as of the morning of March 30, 722,289 cases of COVID-19 infection were registered, of which 34 thousand people died. The leader in the number of cases of infections is the United States, the virus was confirmed in 142 356 people, of which 2 393 died. In Italy, 97 689 people fell ill, 10 779 people died. The top ten countries in terms of the number of infected also include Spain, Germany, France, Iran, Great Britain, Switzerland and the Netherlands (
A country such as Russia, which has a strong base and experience in organizing epidemiological activities of various sizes, was threatened with the spread of the disease. These are all those countries that a priori have good medical equipment and a huge army of medical personnel. WHO data show us that even in such countries they cannot handle the consequences of a pandemic.
The Wuhan city, from which this pandemic began, has been isolated from the outside world since January 23 because of the outbreak of the coronavirus. Only because of this, strict isolation and self-isolation of each inhabitant, in particular, they were able to overcome this disease and according to the provincial authorities, quarantine is planned to be removed from the city on April 8. We all must make conclusions from all that is happening on a global scale, so as not to repeat the sad experience of other countries.
As you remember, our university was one of the first to comply with the instructions of the chief sanitary doctor of the republic: it introduced a mask regime and strict observance of sanitary measures, as evidenced by order No. 26-02-09-n / a from 02.28.2020, “On strengthening of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures for the prevention of coronavirus infection in the territory of the NEI “KazRosmeduniversitet”.
Throughout the university, strict monitoring of the sanitary-epidemiological regime observance was carried out everywhere, namely: mask regime, hand sanitizer treatment, 4-fold wet cleaning of all rooms and ventilation mode! Compliance with this regime was monitored by responsible persons, which was recorded daily in our documents.
Our university has research and scientific experience in dealing with extremely dangerous infections, such as: plague, cholera, Congo-Crimean fever, tularemia, as well as in the conduct of anti-epidemiological measures in the foci of lesions of various nature. Our employees, within the framework of the ISTC International Grant, trained 142 doctors from 14 regions of the republic, specialists working in the natural foci of extremely dangerous and quarantine infections under the biosafety and biosecurity rules. Our university has international recognition and extensive experience.
Our employees have experience in managing events in emergency situations, in particular, the experience of General Nurmagambetov Talgat Sagadatovich, head of the department of emergency medicine and disaster medicine, who performed the feat and was one of the first to participate in the elimination of consequences at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. For his perfect feat, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star, and we are proud to work with him in the same team!
Last year, our employees were among the first to aid during the explosions in the city of Arys of the Turkestan region, as well as in medical camps, for many days they aided the wounded and injured, regardless of the danger that threatened them!
Our employees everywhere helped in environmentally unfavorable situations in the country, such as floods in Atbasar, Aralsk and Uralsk, in the event of an emergency in Upper Kamenka in the Almaty, and also helped to stabilize the ecological situation in the Kurchatov city.
Currently, 97 students of our university, from 1st year to 7th year, as well as residents of all specialties, perform hard work, working at 11 emergency substations in the Almaty, travel to all difficult cases and provide emergency assistance to our inhabitants. We are proud of our students!
And such examples can be infinite. To accomplish a feat or a heroic deed, there is always the opportunity and do not need to think that for this, you need some special place or time! You can now commit a heroic deed and, by your example, call upon all of those around you to order and self-isolation! You, the younger generation, should also serve as an example for world health care and be the first in the ranks of those who carry the right information according to the necessary rules!
The situation is changing daily, the rules are changing, and all the requirements that are necessary at the moment are being tightened. In accordance with the instructions of our Government, we sent you all to distance learning, gave you the opportunity to go home so that you have the opportunity: to be with your family, eat at home, and study quietly at home.
Currently, the moment has come when the situation in the country depends directly on each of us! No matter how trite it may sound, in fact, directly from each of us! One infected with coronavirus, on average, can infect up to 10 people, this can explain such a rapid spread of the new disease. Given our national mentality, which involves very close communication with family and friends and the fact that the month of March consists of a series of holidays, the spread of this disease can accelerate at times!
Given your young age, given your strong immune system, you may not get sick, but without knowing it you may be a carrier of the virus. Your relatives and friends of respectable age may be near you, so think first of all about them and observe rigorous preventive measures. As the experience of different countries, such as the USA, Italy, Spain and others, shows that failure to observe basic hygiene rules and requirements led to disastrous consequences! This is a big problem, which is that not everyone complies with the requirements that are currently vital!
Our country, like the entire world community, faced such difficulties for the first time, and we all need to understand that certain issues may be possible, but, nevertheless, we try to solve the problems that arise as much as possible and we are always in touch with you. There are some positive aspects, our doctors courageously fight this infection, do not allow the virus to spread uncontrollably, at the moment 18 people have successfully cured of coronavirus, this is also a small Victory!
At our university, chats have been created between our students and teachers, they try to always be in touch with you to solve all problems that arise. The university leadership is trying to provide in a remote format, all the materials necessary for conducting classes and the teaching staff is always ready to help you.
We are all doctors, we are and should be carriers of information, that saving information that is not fully respected by our citizens! It is necessary to observe simple rules everywhere that will save first of all your life and the life of your near and dear ones! We must each of us and together urge everyone to help our state, help our medical community, explain the importance of observing the rules of quarantine.
Today is not the time to chase after all sorts of sensations, to raise our rating on the net, this is not the case when we need to demand attention, we are not at a good chance, at the epicenter of attention. You and I are under a great measure of responsibility, think about the medical staff who are now performing their difficult duty to the Motherland and are standing at the bedside of severe patients! The main thing is to be at home in this situation! Remember that, being at home, you save your life and someone else’s life!
I would like to remind once again of the need to observe simple rules, the implementation of which is not a right, but an obligation of each person at the moment. To ensure timely monitoring and control, the following points must be implemented:
- Observe self-isolation measures, i.e. is at home. This is the most important condition! Observe all requirements of the sanitary-disinfection regime.
- To study in a remote format using all the methods proposed to you.
- Information on sick people or on symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections should be reported daily to their curators.
- If necessary, address various issues, work closely with your curators, departments and deans.
- Improve your immune system: do physical exercises, eat properly and on time, take vitamins, keep your sleep and work regimen, and keep your house clean, do wet cleaning and often ventilate the room.
- In the case of work in hospitals, ambulances, etc. I ask you to observe increased security and protection measures, as well as maximum caution.
We appreciate each of you, are proud of you and do not doubt you for a minute! You are our future, the future stronghold of the country, and we wish all of us to worthily go through this difficult path! God willing, we all together will overcome this difficult period for the country and the world.
Sincerely, Your Rector, Professor N. Jainakbaev